News from 2024-03-14 / DEG
DEG to provide support to Ukrainian entrepreneurs in 2024 as well

KfW subsidiary DEG is continuing its efforts to strengthen and support private companies in Ukraine. At the Munich Security Conference in February 2024, it joined the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) in stressing once again the important role of the private sector in Ukraine and the need to assist it.
Since the war began more than two years ago, DEG – together with its subsidiary DEG Impulse – has been in constant contact with its customers in Ukraine and helping them to strengthen the country and its population. Ukrainian entrepreneurs are keeping their businesses running insofar as possible and have been showing great resilience in the face of extremely difficult circumstances. This adaptability is making a key contribution to the country’s livelihood.
Efforts to provide care during the war and to aid reconstruction
Among the local companies co-financed by DEG are private firms from the agricultural, IT and logistics sectors. With the ImpactConnect programme, it is also involved in assisting the investment projects of German companies.
Through its subsidiary DEG Impulse, DEG is using BMZ funds to support the activities of its customers to alleviate the war damage and to help the population directly. For instance, it provides assistance to initiatives aiming to supply medicines or train agricultural small business or microbusiness owners, including many women and internally displaced people.
A further example is a develoPPP project with a local agricultural company that allows large farming areas to be cleared of mines.
Thanks to a project undertaken by Berlin-based company Boreal Light, five solar-powered water treatment plants can now be operated in Mykolaiv. These plants supply 200,000 people with drinking water every day. This helps to counter the water shortage caused by the destruction of dams and the resulting contamination of the groundwater. For this, DEG Impulse is providing around EUR 3.2 million in BMZ funds via the develoPPP programme. Further projects with companies in Ukraine that have applied for funding via a special develoPPP competition are also being planned at present.
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