Imprint and disclaimer

Head OfficeKämmergasse 22, 50676 Köln, Germany
Postal AddressPostfach 10 09 61, 50449 Köln, Germany
Telephone+ 49 221 4986-0
Telefax+ 49 221 4986-1290
Legal StatusGmbH (Limited liability company)
Registration CourtAmtsgericht Köln
Commercial Register No.HRB 1005
Management BoardMonika Beck
Joachim Schumacher
Roland Siller (CEO)
VAT Identification No.DE 123 489 824
ResponsibleCordula Rinsche
DEG, Corporate Communications
Concept and ProgrammingDEG and KfW

DEG updates and supplements the information and data supplied on its website to the best of its knowledge and belief. DEG cannot accept liability for their timeliness, accuracy and completeness.

The DEG website contains hyperlinks to websites of third parties. These hyperlinks do not imply DEG's acceptance of their contents but rather only serve the purpose of facilitating the use of the internet for the visitors of the DEG website. DEG does not accept any responsibility for the contents and information contained on these websites.

The contents, structure and design of the DEG website are protected by copyright. The articles, article components, graphs, tables and photographs, the contents and any copies thereof made available on the DEG website may not be changed in any way, duplicated or distributed or forwarded to third parties without the prior consent of DEG.

Links to the DEG internet offer may be established if the DEG website that is called up will be the sole content of the browser window.

Social Media: Legal notice / netiquette / data protection

DEG’s social media offering is published by:

Corporate Communications
Cordula Rinsche

Kämmergasse 22, 50676 Cologne, Germany

Social Media editorial team:
Theresa Huth (responsible)


Here you will find all the relevant guidelines and standards that KfW - and thus also of DEG - applies to discussions on its social media channels.

Netiquette of KfW Group

Privacy notice

Public relations work for DEG also takes place on Instagram, YouTube and LinkedIn.

Protecting your privacy is important to us. In this context, we would like to point out the existing data protection risks you face by using the above-mentioned social media platforms.

Privacy notice of KfW Group