News from 2012-10-17 / DEG

Automotive India Congress

Automotive India
India's automotive industry is a market with tremendous growth opportunities and will become the world's third largest automobile market by 2020. Source: fotolia

In cooperation with the corporate law firm Luther Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft and Maier + Vidorno, DEG will host a meeting on India as a production location.

Current projections by the German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA) indicate that the German automotive industry will produce around 13.5 million passenger cars in 2012, which is four per cent more than in the previous year. This growth, however, takes place outside Western Europe. India, on the contrary, has become one of the future markets with special relevance for the German automotive industry. The suppliers concerned, which predominately consist of medium-sized businesses, need to take that into consideration and follow the German producers which are already based on-site.

In the context of the "Automotive India Congress", experts report from their practical experiences, presenting the opportunities and risks arising from the Indian market for the German automotive industry. They provide a response to all important questions on the subject of financing, legal advice and project coordination - these are the issues to be tackled before it comes to planning and construction of a production site in India.

The event addresses managers and experts from SMEs with a global orientation, that are responsible for development of a production site in India or that are interested in this issue.

For registration, please contact Evelin Hawel, DEG, dept. German Corporates:


DEG Press Office

Kämmergasse 22

50676 Cologne
